Ok so I’m a male senior in high school thinking about becoming sexually active with my female partner, who’s also thinking the same thing. We’re both virgins, and the most we’ve done is shirts off. What should I expect going into anything more, or I guess more accurately, how should I make sure that A) we both enjoy it and B) I help her feel like I’m taking what she wants into account too?

Edit 1: secondly, what should I expect to account for since she is not on the pill? I have no idea what the risks are if I use a condom but she’s not on the pill… should I pull out before ending? What should I do in general towards the end?

  1. I’m not sure you can ever be ready, it’s gonna be embarrassing as it’s your first time, best to say is make sure you both enjoy it, good luck man

  2. It might not be pretty and it might not feel good for either of you, but that’s why you should do it with someone you trust. Keep the atmosphere light and happy, make sure neither of you are worried about looking awkward or making mistakes, and especially be sure that you both feel no judgement. Put down towels just in case there is any blood or other mess that occurs to relieve any of that stress too.

    Overall, just be good to each other and understand that the first time you have sex is just a stepping stone to having better sex. The second time you do it is always better, especially if it’s with the same woman. Be open to talking about it, learn about each other, figure out what you both are comfortable with and what speed you guys want to explore things at.

    As for her not being on the pill; absolutely use a condom. Pulling out with a condom on doesn’t help much but doing it could help ease some paranoia. Make sure you put it on correctly and all that good stuff also. Using lube is a great idea both for it being her first time, helping her be comfortable, and preventing the condom from experiencing too much friction.

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