I’ll start: here in Southern California, everyone’s familiar with “Keyes on Van Nuys” and “Yes Cerritos Autosquare!”

  1. When I lived in the Sacramento area I did not hear or know of either of those. Maybe do In and Out/In and Out/That’s what a ham-burger’s/all about for California

  2. 1877-Kars-forKidz… donate your car today! I can’t change the channel fast enough to escape this headache of a song.

  3. Marisa Tomei-esque voice: “It’s a croime to pay more than a doime.”

  4. You’ll save big money!
    You’ll save big money!
    When you shop Menards.

    Plumbing, electrical, appliances too.
    The savings always come right back to you!

    You’ll save big money!
    You’ll save big money!
    When you shop Menards!

  5. “Green Mountain Furniture has more than meets the eye.”

    “When the sun is blazing and the summer gets hot, Water Country’s a really cool spot. No better place to feel and be young, Water Country have some fuuuun.”

  6. You won’t get a lemon! At Toyota of Orange!

    #Who knows what danger lurks in your plumbing?

    Adee Do!

  7. “Atlas Butler at your service call 1-800-FURNACE” Ohioan here, central Ohio in particular

  8. It’s Cal Worthington and his dog, Spot!

    🎶 If you want a better deal, go see Cal! 🎶

    Maybe not all of California, but definitely the Sacramento area (for a certain generation).

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