I’m a minority in the USA and as such, have surrounded myself with other minority friends to avoid micro-aggressions and racist behavior. I used to have **SEVERE** confidence issues communicating with people but by mixing with diverse people, I learned how to communicate AND CONNECT with different groups. While I have been an ally since DAY ONE for black lives matter, this friend keeps making comments supportive of the violence that my and other minorities go through as a justification for what black people have gone through. I would even go as far to say she’s a black supremacist. I know she’s projecting but I’m noticing a trend of behavior from her and the fact that I’m trying to see the best in her and she’s constantly trying to assume the worst in me or look for reasons to point out the fact that I’m racist based on her social media consumption

She keeps making jabs at my culture and tries to justify injustice and violence against others. I’ve explained to her that its inappropriate and to not encourage or support violence against anyone and she agrees but her face is very expressive and I can see that she’s not an ally. We’ve been friends since we were little kids so its really sad and I feel betrayed that she’s **all of a sudden** just done a complete 360 on me. She’s made several comments recently about me and my family and I’ve set some boundaries and it looks like she still keeps hitting me up and wants to hang out. I can’t help but feel she’s planning something insidious. It definitely feels like she’s willing to manipulate and lie for the sake of getting what she wants.

Due to my own trauma and as a recovering people pleaser, I have a high tolerance for abuse and I no longer want that to be the case. I don’t know if I should just cut her off or have one last conversation but I pretty much feel like our relationship has expired and left a bitter taste. ***Here’s a list of some of the disrespectful things she’s done:***

* Dropped a black face comment on me when I did her make up. I’m not familiar with American history so I had to google it after the fact and realized the make up looked nothing like the black face she described. Ironically, we were both in a same class when we were learning about these things and both goofed off and never paid attention to these things.
* Has a habit of making me explain my comments or intentions between things she’s not familiar with culture-wise to prove I’m not racist.
* I was with her and another friend and when they showed me to their friend on web chat, their friend asked why they were friends with a white person and they both remained silent and didn’t stick up for me or say anything. This happened 2x.
* When I have confided in her in personal affairs, she’s very dismissive. For example, grew up on a single family income. Mom worked for $7 all day every day for basically our whole lives – no vacation and picked up several middle of the night shifts just to keep 3 kids fed. She had two healthy and working parents and side income. Everything we owned was from the thrift store and they bought brand new things. I was never resentful and always supportive but if things got better for me, she attributed to the fact that it was because I was white and it was apparent she was jealous for god knows what reason.
* She’s made comments like our culture encourages female genital mutilation but its actually her culture.
* She disclosed to one of our mutual friend information implying that we are better off. We are literally working minimum wage.
* Invited her to a religious event where we were having a feast. My mom switched up the date last minute not knowing about our plans and we ended up not being able to have her over. I didn’t want to invite her last minute either and I felt bad so we just packed her a box of a bunch of different foods for her and her family. Mind you, she’s been to other family events before. She decided to throw out all of the food and attribute it to the fact that we were racist.
* Whenever we’ve had conflicts in the past, it was me who would try to resolve things and communicate with her. She’s quiet and lacks communication skills and my mistake is the fact that I’ve always given her a pass. We’re adults now and need to know how to communicate our needs, issues and speak up. Whenever it’s her turn to take accountability for something, she doesn’t want to.

Honestly, the thought of sitting next to her and having to listen to her have the audacity to justify her comments and actions seems really insulting. I’ve been sitting on this for a few months and I’m just so angry with her. It honestly makes me so upset and I question myself for having invested so much time into building relationships with people and for it to just go out like this but I want healthy relationships with people that are actually going to be there for me and support me.

I’ve been actively ignoring her at this point for a few months and she’s aware I’m upset with her but she’s trying to sweep all of her actions under the rug and not take any accountability. I’m wondering if I should sit her down and discuss all of these occurrences or just ghost. She has very poor social skills from choosing not to interact with people and just say she’s shy and black. **How can I address this with her or should I just ghost?**

1 comment
  1. damn. honestly that not sticking up for you thing in web chat got me the most. personally i would ask her straight up if she wanted to be my friend. because that act alone would make me not want to be _your_ friend yfm? and it happened twice?

    if it’s like that then i don’t really see what either of you are gaining from this “friendship”

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