Has someone ever been obsessed with you and if so how did you react?

  1. A very long long time ago, in elementary school. There was this girl seriously stalking me, she was in my class, and tried to sit right next to me even though our teachers told us where to sit. She told her dad we were a couple even though I knew nothing about her or wanted to even get close to her because of her creepiness.

    At one point I was so annoyed that I literally pulled the chair away on which she wanted to sit. I was by no means an aggressive kid, but my teacher understood extremely quickly that I was annoyed by her behaviour and told her to sit at the opposite side of the room. The next day her dad knocked on our door, my mom opened it and he insulted me because I broke his daughters heart, according to his words I was aggressive towards my girlfriend. My mom looked at me as I walked out of the living room, asked if it was true, told her we weren’t a couple and she was just annoying me.

    This is one of the few times I’m proud of my mom. She turned around, told him to fuck off because his daughter is lying, and if something like this ever happened again, the cops would get involved. He left and I never again got annoyed by that girl.

    10 years later at 18 I realized how wrong that whole situation was.

  2. She stalked me at work, to another apartment, and was always there at family events since she stalked family’s Facebook pages.

    I got tired of it and the lack of help from the police, family or the courts. I moved cities and never told family where I moved to beside my father and sister.

  3. I had this one happen two times:


    The first one, we will call this guy Gary, he was a friend of mine when I was in kindergarten. Gary was a bit weird so I distanced from him after elementary school. The years after that, Gary would continue to show up at my house, and even invite himself in. When I was away from home one day, he showed up at my door, my father was in the bathroom. Gary just walked in like usual, and walked right into the bathroom where my dad was… Gary did not show up for years after that.

    -it doesn’t end, Gary showed up again on my 16th birthday, I woke up to his face in my window watching me sleep, I freaked and called my mom, who rushed into the room. My father who already hates this kid, went outside and screaming ensued, Gary never showed again…


    The second one, this time a female, we will call her Ooma, she was a friend of a close friend in high school (Eliza). Eliza had promised Ooma me as a date to our senior prom, my intent was to go with Eliza as friends… Ooma then proceeded to call me her bf to everybody, facetime me at random times, and text me all day despite me never answering. The last straw was when Ooma showed up at my work and watched me from the other end of the room, for my entire shift.

    I didn’t know Ooma, as a matter of fact I had never even seen her face in detail before, just from afar or on a crappy webcam. When someone who generally looked like her came to my work and was staring at me from the other end of the room (I work at a library), I sent her a text “hi”, I heard her phone ding from the other end of the room, my following text read “Leave my work now please, this is making me uncomfortable” which promptly followed by her leaving.

    Ooma texted/called crying for the next few days telling me I was supposed to be hers, but I rejected them until she stopped. I still see her out in the world from time to time but never longer than a few seconds…

  4. At first, I just tried to ignore it. Then, I tried to be nice and honest and told her I wasn’t interested in a relationship with her anymore–that only made it worse. I finally relocated for a new job (unrelated to the situation) and changed my cell number. This was before social media was so big.

  5. I showed interest but delayed giving myself until they got exhausted. But they were bitter and would do anything to get me. To an extent of making me feel insecure and a target.

  6. Nope, never. Nobody has been even more interested in me than I am of them, I’ve always been the first one to initiate conversations with everybody I know.

  7. Had a co-worker who thought we were a couple in past lives.

    I had to gently tell her that I felt no connection.

  8. I kind of froze, then pushed her away and got the hell out of there.

    She was the younger sister of a college friend’s girlfriend (from high school). She had seen me in pictures my friend had sent home and became obsessed with me. I was completely oblivious to this and happened to travel with this friend to visit his hometown for a week one summer after freshman year.

    One night during this trip the girl sort of cornered me in the back seat of a car and started kissing me. It took me a while to even figure out what was going on (i had never kissed a girl before). I honestly don’t know how long it went on but I eventually pushed her away and left.

    I was supposed to want it, to like it, but I didn’t, so I never told anyone what happened. I don’t think the girl said anything either because she was embarrassed. By today’s standards some people might call that sexual assault, but that thought didn’t even cross my mind back then (early 90s).

  9. No, but on my end I’d be polite once, maybe twice. Then threaten to call the cops, actually call them, and if that doesn’t work, violence

    Yes, I skipped relocating. Can’t afford to do that

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