I’m a (24m) and me and my wife (23f) are having our second baby. So long story short, she has absolutely no sexual drive at all. She just entered her second trimester which I understand she may feel this way during her first trimester so I wasn’t tripping. BUT now she’s in her second and she still shows lack of interest in sex. The only reason I’m worried is because during her first pregnancy she was always horny

I’m also concerned because recently she cheated on me last year, which were working things out because I had my faults, but anyways, I’m worried that she might have experienced “better” sex or a bigger dick while she was cheating. And maybe that’s why she’s not interested.

Normally before we had our kids she always had a high sex drive. Hoping someone can put my mind at ease… (also I’m a little below average about 5inches so I’ve always been insecure about my size).

  1. Pregnancy and post partum sex drive is an absolute casino for women and you can never seem to tell how it will be. You should prepare yourself for a long haul and accept that she might not be interested for a while, it’s really hard but it happens a lot.

  2. I had 0 interest in sex from about 5 weeks until literally 39 weeks. Lack of estrogen in pregnancy will do that.

    Then it came roaring back a week before I gave birth.

  3. It varies with every pregnancy.

    When my wife was pregnant with our first child she turned into a raving nymphomaniac then with the second nothing, the third was somewhere in between. All normal.

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