So I have this birthmark/mole thing on the side if my penis. It is at most 0.5cm in size and it is flush eith mt skin and not raised at all. Obviously I’m a virgin since I’m asking this but would this be a deal breaker for many people? I would get it removed but I’m afraid of scarring and loss of sensation

  1. Nope, at least in my opinion. I was seeing a guy who had a beauty mark on his tip. Didn’t bother me at all!

  2. I have a freckle on my dick. Girls like it. Only downside is I can get blasted for posting my dick on the internet easier.

  3. Will *someone* be bothered by it? Almost certainly yes. Will *many* people be bothered by it? Almost certainly not.

    Obviously if it becomes painful, or grows in size, get it checked by a doctor. Sounds like a birthmark or freckle though. Harmless.

  4. Honestly, I doubt many people would even notice it, and the ones who do probably won’t care. If I like you enough to be seeing your dick, I ain’t gonna let a freckle get in the way.

  5. I have one on my dick and my gy didnt notice it until we were together a while abd she dosne teven notice it now

  6. For the right person it wont be a deal breaker, talking from my own expirience

  7. My partner has a birthmark on the head of his penis — I love it and think it’s cute. ☺️

  8. No. Whatever your orientation is, you only want to be with someone who thinks your dick is pretty. Don’t be anyone who thinks otherwise, unless it feeds a kink or something.

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