I’m new at my job, and up until this point things were smooth. Then a bunch of new people came to office today.

They all formed a group talking. I said good morning to them, but I stayed sitting while they stood in like a circle but only most of them. My boss said ‘oh this is ___ she just started’ and I said hi and good morning. I stood up because I thought to go over there but then sat down because I didn’t know what to do.

Now I’m scared they think I’m weird or awkward, but I just have no idea what the proper norm is here. Should I have gone over and shook hands? Was what I did fine and am I overthinking? I just had work to do so I didnt know if it was appropriate to stand up distracted and chatty. Idk.

Did I mess everything up? Am I weird now?

On top of all this my appearance is messy at work because I can’t even afford food right now so I have to make do with what I have til my first paycheck, if I even make it that far without getting fired due to being awkward..

I cant wait to get my paycheck so I can get some like social skills counseling or something. I fucking hate myself and my life

  1. As long as you’re good at your job nobody will fire you for being awkward

  2. Not to make it worse but this is why I’m scared to work at offices too… I don’t think you messed up but I understand how you feel! Maybe a little bit overthinking, but you did still get up and say hi which is enough I think

  3. Save your money with social skills couseling, it will serve no purpose but to take your money. As far as your appreance, look the best within your means. You can take a $10 outfit and make it look like $100. Learn how to be confident in your decisions and who you are, lean in to your akwardness abs own it.

    Many ppl are just as akward as the next, but being confident in who you are, being open to unvomfortable situations and new ppl is hard but the more you do it, the more confident you will become.

    If they don’t like you, it’s okay, it’s a job. Work hard, be nice even if others aren’t, be happy and be you and that’s it. Those ppl do not need to be your bff- nor do they care too. Take the paycheck, don’t let the paycheck drain you. Of any job drains you, your not at the right one – plan a game plan and find an enviorment that your more comfortable in. If this place doesn’t work, don’t feel bad, everyone is always replaceable… so are jobs

  4. Most people are a little awkward when they first start a new job. It takes 6-8 weeks before you start to know what you’re doing too so don’t work about whether or not you’re good at your job yet.

    What you did is fine. You could have gone over to shake hands but of they weren’t being welcoming about it then that could have been awkward too. Standing up, saying hi and sitting back down to go back to work is totally acceptable. I did the same thing a few months back at my new job. People didn’t thing anything of it and not I’m a regular part of the group.

  5. It’s too early to tell. Now at most, they may find you shy or less of an extrovert because you didn’t take charge of the situation by joining the circle. However, they know you are new so they aren’t expecting you to know what to do. So just take a deep break and relax.

    HOWEVER, there’s a grace period with this. Usually it last about 2 weeks before they will start to think you are awkward. This is up to you though! As long as you put yourself out there by talking to the coworkers, they will warm up to you. Just ask questions like how are you? How long have you been working here? What’s your favorite part about this job? Open up and answer the questions as well. Try to do this with most of the people in the job. You will be ok after that.

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