I’m a little embarrassed to even be asking this question because I am educated on sexual health, but this is an issue I’ve surprisingly not had to deal with .

I have a new potential sexual partner (trans woman, amab) that is currently having a breakout of genital warts . They were open and honest with me about it from the start, so we agreed nothing involving their genitals for the time being while they treat the issue . My question is , if I were to get oral sex *FROM* them, am I too at risk for genital warts? I know it is spread through skin to skin contact (hence us refraining from anything penetrative or me giving them oral) but I want to make sure I’m covering all my bases before we move forward . They got a full STD panel done last month and are good otherwise.

I do remember getting the HPV vaccine when I was a young teen (I’m 25 now) but can’t remember if I got all the doses so I will check on that immediately.

So question: am I at risk for genital warts if they give me oral , and once their warts clear up, am I still at risk for getting them if we have PIV sex even if they’re not having a visible outbreak ?

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