Back in my freshman year of high school, 12 years ago, I had a big crush on this one girl. I’m pretty sure she liked me too, or at least the signs were there, but I never made a move and nothing happened. However, we reconnected in our senior year and became pretty good friends, not like best friends who hang out all the time but we’d see each other in the hallways and chat and whatnot.

Anyway, after high school I lost contact with her, as well as pretty much everyone else I went to school with. Fast forward to 8 years later, I book an appointment to get my hair cut at this one place with good reviews. They tell me the name of the girl who’s cutting my hair, and then it dawned on me. I remembered years ago seeing on Facebook that she was pursuing a career as a hair stylist, and I thought this has to be a coincidence, right? But then I looked up on their website, and sure enough, it’s her.

Now I’m really nervous to go. She’s going to see that I’m fatter and older than I was in high school. It’s going to be awkward sitting in a chair with someone from that far back in my past cutting my hair and making awkward small talk. Especially because I have nothing going on in my life, no friends or relationships or prospects at all, so I don’t even have anything to talk about. Should I cancel the appointment and go somewhere else?

  1. Everybody is older than they were in high school. Don’t stress it, it might be a great haircut! Seriously, small talk wont be awkward.

    You are an adult now, let those high school hang-ups go.

  2. Almost everyone puts on weight and gets older. So, don’t sweat it. Go have a great haircut and you’ll probably have a great conversation too.

  3. Word. Just go and see what happens. Just be yourself by being friendly and relatively open. Acting uncomfortable and trying to omit what you dont have going on in your life wont really help. It will lead to an awkward time most likely and thats not the ideal outcome

  4. Wing it. So long as you guys used to be in good terms it’ll be fun for you

  5. Older than you, OP. In my experience, if the chemistry was there in the past, it often still is.

    Chances are she is also older than she was in high school and will be able to relate 😉

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