I’m 19M, and I have had the same group of friends since 3rd grade. There are 7 of us at the moment and it’s good we’re all close, but as we’re growing older, I see we’re interested in different things. Now, our relationships aren’t so bad that we’re going to have a falling out in the immediate future. Nobody has issues with one another, I just see that we’re always not on the same page.

For example: If we plan a trip, some guy will skip out because they can’t afford it, so now no one wants to go.

Another example: I want to go shopping for clothes, but one guy would rather go to the arcade, now we don’t end up making plans.

We can usually plan a big trip every year as long as we give 6 months notice, no I’m not kidding. Last year we planned a trip to Magic Mountain for December, in July -_-.

Anywho, enough context, I want to learn how to find more friends with other interests so that I never struggle to make plans, and I can overall have more fun with other people with other stories.

Where should I start?

TLDR: I like my group of friends, but want to supplement more relationships to have more going on in my social life.

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