There’s this cute girl who i have a class with. I am currently at community college. However, this class is over Zoom. I don’t really know how I can get her attention or a chance to talk to her over zoom. I thought about PMing her in the Zoom chat and asking for her Snapchat. However, I don’t want to ask her for her contact info cuz I feel it would come off as creepy. She seems really nice too. Any advice and help would be appreciated. Thanks

  1. I met my boyfriend in Zoom class and he made the first move. He added me on Twitter after the first class. I was also strongly mutually attracted so I made the other first move by finding an excuse to talk to him on there. I think, even despite being really attracted to him, I’d have found it distasteful to message directly through zoom. I wouldn’t want to normalize that, but maybe zoom class chat flirting is normal for other people idk

  2. Damn I thought you was gonna day zoo or something with animals and stuff. It’s over zoom and I was hoping for zoo and animals. Make an attempt at saying hi or a simple greeting introducing yourself to her, go forward from there. You’ll be good👍👍

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