I’m someone who grew up in a small school so if anyone wanted to hang out basically everyone was invited since we only had 35 people. I’m going off to college and now have to try and make friends in an environment of thousands of strangers.

I wondering if it’s weird to ask someone to come over to your place the first time you hang out or should I invite them to a movie or the mall first?

I prefer staying at my place while playing video games and watching TV, but I’m unsure if it considered flirty or creepy to ask acquaintances.

1 comment
  1. ok so with the caveat that i am An Old and my information is both a decade out of date and from the other side of the pond: it’s going to depend on the general culture of your university and the micro-culture of your dorm.

    my halls of residence were divided into flats of 7 bedrooms with a shared kitchen, and the done thing was to invite people over to the kitchen to hang out with whoever was there; if you invited someone over to your room it was definitely considered flirty. other halls were more like American style dorms (i think) – entire floors sharing much bigger common areas – and in those halls it was much more normal to invite people to your room, because the kitchens and common rooms would be full of people you didn’t necessarily know.

    the good news is that you don’t have to figure this all out in advance – you can see what other people around you are doing.

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