i’m not a boring person but i definitely come off as boring. it takes weeks for me to adjust to someone and get comfortable. until then i have no personality and people usually give up. but this one girl keeps wanting to talk to me every day. i don’t get what she sees in me and it just makes me really confused. i feel like she doesn’t even know me. so why is she doing this? i want to ask her but don’t know if it’s weird.

  1. Yes.

    “What interested you in walking up to me?” works.

    While it may seem like putting the other person on the spot it’s one of the more polite variations of that question. If you’re not interested or get bad energy from the person approaching you’d give a more thorny/defensive reply like “can I ask why you’re talking to me?”

    The question works mainly to give the other person the chance to improvise so you can get an idea of what their imagination and thought process is like.

    Does that help?

  2. If you ask that with that words she can think she is bothering you and stop talking you.

  3. Yes, it is OK in that there is no universal social law against it. You cannot, however, know in advance how someone will react to having their motivations questioned. She may not appreciate it.

    Without asking her anything you already know she has an interest in you. You have to option of trusting that she is genuinely interested and simply enjoying her company. You could even take an interest in her, maybe make a friend.

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