I loved somebody very much, they left me and I waited 8 years to get a chance at earning her back, it never came. I have missed my prime years, for a girl who really didn’t love me at all. I don’t know anyone, I don’t know how to find a good women. I need some advice, how do I find love again? What should I do? Don’t have a father I can ask, so I hope some of you guys can help.

I feel like the world’s biggest clown, not expecting that to change fast, but I’d like to be find happiness eventually. I don’t know where to start.

  1. What do you mean you waited 8 years? Like you refused to speak/engage with other women and kept yourself mainly for her?

  2. Do you have any hobbies? If so, start associating with groups that cater to said hobby around you. Otherwise, you could try online dating if you keep your expectations realistic about what you might catch.

  3. Don’t worry about it. It will come.

    Honestly, I was bummed out about a chick I thought was the one. So I sat moping about and didn’t care about myself that much.

    One day, I just snapped out of it. Got a haircut, wore a shirt and boom. Everyone noticed the change. Hell, even 9’s were interested.

    There’s plenty of fish in the sea. Some are willing to swim to you. Others you have to chase. Just don’t head dive in, start to drown… get back to shore and then say no more.

    Start at the beach and just enjoy paddling and getting tanned. Have some fun. Then waddle out of your comfort zone bit by bit.

    Next thing you know, your dating what you thought would be a one night stand.

    Stay awesome, stay humble, be respectful and most importantly… Be yourself.

  4. On the subject of women, you may have to get bummed out before you’re numbed out. At least a few more times. Just so you know what the good feeling is like on the other side of getting bummed out, to the point where you bypass most or all of it. I think it’s sort of like when my grandfather told me about what it was like to kill. The first couple enemies, it took a toll but eventually it got easy.

  5. Had a girl I thought was the one. We had plans: moving into together, vacations, kids, a house. When those things came around the corner she bailed on everything. Yet she would still send me texts asking if I was seeing someone else, still dangling the carrot. The right one is the right one because it happens for the both of you. Not cos you up turn your life into making happen. Be patient, be kind, and work on yourself for yourself. It’ll happen when it should and it’ll be mutually beneficial. Stay up, king.

  6. Bro, you’ll never be younger than you are now. The past is what it is. Find love in yourself first, make it up to yourself by learning who you are and what you want.

    I like making lists of things I want to do.

  7. Im 38 and been married 15 years. It feels like the biggest most useless waste if life ever. Even if i split now, im almost 40 and no longer worthy getting out there. Im damned if I do, damned if I don’t.

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