We have been together for about 2 years now and he is a great boyfriend, we get along really well and understand each other. Never fight.

Before we started dating I was friends with his then girlfriend. They had been together for 5 years and she always used to tell me and other girls how great their sex life was and how often they did it, what they did. It was actually quite hot at the time hearing about it and turned me on a lot. She also would bring it up in front of him and he never denied it and would laugh and agree with her, so I know she isn’t lying.

The reason her and I aren’t friends any more has nothing to do with him and I dating. When he showed interest in me I was shocked. Since we started dating I can’t get what she used to say out of my head because well our sex life isn’t anywhere near as interesting as theirs nor are we as intimate with each other anywhere near as often either.

I have brought up with him that we don’t have sex as often as I would like and he just sort of apologized, blamed being tired a lot and shrugged it off. I don’t want to have to keep nagging about this.

I don’t know what to do or how to approach this and I definitely don’t want to bring up his past relationship. It is making me think he isn’t attracted to me and just with me for comfort or something. What can I do to get to the bottom of this?

  1. I doubt their sex life was any different than yours with him. She likely was just the type of person to make it seem like her sex life was amazing, and he went along with it because it made him look better.

    It could also be that he’s not as interested because his body changed since he is a few years older. Unless there are other reasons to think he’s not attracted to you or whatever. I would just let him know that you’d like to have sex more and ask how that could be possible.

  2. >She also would bring it up in front of him and he never denied it and would laugh and agree with her, so I know she isn’t lying.

    Lol. You can’t seriously think that a guy is going to call out his partner for lying about their sex life being better than it really is. It makes him look good! Why would he out himself as not being as good as she says? That doesn’t mean she’s being truthful.

  3. Why is he tired? Is he depressed? Sick? Working too much. Not getting enough sleep?

  4. On the one hand, the other girl may have been exaggerating. Bragging.

    On the other hand, “I’m always too tired” is a bullshit excuse, it’s an out to cover up whatever is the real problem. Maybe that problem isn’t necessarily bad, but it does seem like there’s something he isn’t telling you.

    Only he has the answers, so you need to balls to ask him, that’s all there is to it.

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