I m a self taught artist and I have an art page. People leave some review on my arts with very kind comments and as someone with lack of self confidence also in my art I am extremely grateful and touched, issus is I have also social anxiety and I never know the proper way of interacting with people. I had always been social awkward and I was bullied and disliked in all my school years (now finish since long ago) which let me scared to interact with people, and I simply don’t know how to do. I m on the point I always keep a draft that I change several time before answering to someone and I sometimes even ask my closest friend if it is good enough.

Had I put the good smiley ? Is this sentence fine ? Not too much but not too cold either ? Everything is so tricky. And yet; despite all of that, I always end up screwing myself and I feel like I am disappointing people. Social anxiety is like self destructive myself to be honest. When the person doesn’t answer back I am scared I had screwed myself and said something wrong.

I really like sharing my art and being part of a fandom though.

What can I do ?

And how to do to repair it if I had answered something awkward ?

  1. Most people don’t care if you answer their comment or not, also if you have such terrible social anxiety why do you expect us to be able to help you? Asking Reddit for help on this isn’t going to lead to any positive result. Only a therapist or someone licensed to do so can.

  2. You’re just doubting yourself. You don’t have to respond to everything either. Maybe start by responding to the easy stuff and keep it light. Be courteous and just say thank you and learn to build on that. Also, maybe you’re younger and still developing. I don’t know for sure, but I will say that it took me a while to grow into my own skin. I still second guess things I say, but I think think that if your intent is pure, most people won’t give you any flack…

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