Men of Reddit, what are you currently obsessed with?

  1. Chess, but currently bullet chess. I just got my rating to my goal of 1500 haha

    Edit: Why am I just cursed to be downvoted on any post oh the pain

  2. Running my own business with my wife. We do photography together and get to shoot 📸 car shows, dog training seminars, weddings and all sorts of just driving around and shooting 📸 nature scenes and animals and just pretty much anything we want. We live in a tiny camper on our own property completely off grid and don’t have much to pay on anything. So if we only shoot 📸 a couple times a month is no big deal. We’re both obsessed with being free of the machine. No more making the rich richer while struggling ourselves. Yeah we’ve eliminated a lot of the luxuries in our life but we still have so much more in hindsight. Freedom being the biggest luxury we have.

  3. Running absolutely love it started a year and a half ago after being a fat smoker and a prolific alcoholic for ten plus years , I still have the odd drink but running is everything at the moment over the last year and a half I’ve ran over 4, 600, km so far , run 13km most days if I take a day off I feel shitty I’ve probably just switched addictions but hey I’m in great shape and next month I run my first ultra marathon ..

    It’s more than an obsession at this point it’s my life now..

  4. Learning. Just about anything I can get my hands on. History, coding, credit analysis, theology, whatever

  5. Working out. Kinda fell off and built myself a dad bod. It’s cutting season now.

  6. Hiking. Went on my first true hike last Saturday and I’m going back tomorrow.

  7. Golf. Went to the range in prep for a school fundraiser and I was hitting the ball better than any point in a long time and keeping it up

  8. Skinny legged women. I lose it when I see a woman in a skirt with skinny legs

  9. Atm I’ve been somewhat obsessed with trying to understand people, again. It’s a recurring thing for me every couple years or so. Anyway, this time I’m struggling to understand why so many people choose to live in an echo chamber of self affirmation.

    People are fucking weird.

  10. Tall, muscular women, they’re just so fucking hot and I want them to dominate me

  11. My dogs. Risked a snake bite for them the other day when they had one cornered in the yard. All my kids are grown so they are my babies.

  12. Nothing right now. Visualizing some new projects, but it’s casual planning. Can’t seem to find anything to capture my attention anymore.

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