I live with my bf of 5 years and we don’t really have sex as it is because we have his 13 year old kid living with us full time. After today being the second time this week, I realized he could care less if I actually climaxed. I told him that I don’t like that sex is over when he cums. He used to ask me if I came a lot but still wouldn’t try to help after when learning I didn’t. He stopped asking for a bit and would just fall asleep after. Sex only lasts about 3 minutes each time, yet I just caught him jacking off the other day and he told me he did a week before that too so I know there are plenty more that I don’t know about. Anyways, after telling him that I need to get off too because it’s a two way street, he’s been very irritated with me and told me it was because of what we talked about. Whyyy?

  1. I don’t know why he’s irritated. Maybe he feels insecure and truthfully he should. I think it’s absolutely pathetic if a guy doesn’t care or even try to make his woman finish. That sort of thing would have had me walk away early on. I’m sure you have your reasons for staying and if he changes it might still be worth it but I’m also kinda under the impression that if a dude doesn’t care about your happiness in bed after five years he probably doesn’t care much outside of it either.

  2. Sex sucks, 5 years, 13 yr old full time. Your in your twenties and can do better.

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