My neighbour moved in not so long ago, and has started blasting out terrible karaoke reggae at maximum volume every day. He has been in his living room with the front door open, but has now moved to literally standing in his front garden with the karaoke machine on maximum (maybe even with a subwoofer, it’s that loud!).

What can I do about this?

I have spoken to him twice, and the second time (that was being played outside) he got visibly frustrated and tried to tell me that it wasn’t loud (we had closed all our windows, and could still hear it loudly and clearly), and that he had moved here so that he could ‘relax’ like this. It is literally giving me a headache (I am currently in a phased return to work, and am admittedly relatively easily overwhelmed), and my partner is pissed off too.

What can we do about this? What proof is required?

We are based in Norwich, England.

Many thanks

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  2. Join in but really loud and out of tune. My neighbours didn’t realise how loud they were until they heard the out of tune backing group from next door.

  3. Contact environmental health at your local council.

    They will send him a letter and you diary sheets.

    Make a record of further nuisance if any and return the sheets after two weeks.

    They will then decide what to do.

  4. If someone is really standing outside blasting music at full volume, I’m pretty sure you can just call the police.

  5. Speak to your Council’s Anti Social Behaviour. They can fine him, confiscate his equipment, and escalate for you.

  6. Get the police involved. I’ve called them about an issue with loud music before, the call handler could even hear the noise over the phone.
    They turned up and told them to knock it off.

    But at about 2 am it kicked of again. This time when the cops came back, they removed all of neighbours tech that can produce sound. Hi-Fi, TV all gone.

    Happily, I don’t live there anymore

  7. Your only hope of it ending is The Police showing up at some point. From my previous experience; some drunk belting out ‘Roxanne’ or ‘Message in a Bottle’ over a Karaoke Machine is enough to end any party early… no matter how much I begged people to stay.

  8. Just walk up into the garden slowly and smiling at him as if you are enjoying the ‘music’. Creep up to the machine whilst doing the ‘shoosh’ thing with your mouth. Slowly unplug his microphone, then stamp
    On the machine rapidly. Keep doing the ‘shoosh’ thing with your mouth whilst backing away and doing a thumbs up sign. And calmly walk away. He’ll think you are a total psycho. Problem solved 👍

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