I am meeting women in bars.

It’s quite easy to tell if they are interested or not and I am well aware that exchanging numbers doesn’t mean much (Although I personally try to avoid if I am not interested).

but… sometimes you can clearly feel that she is interested and flirting back. In the last month I met two girls that are quite similar from their personality, look and career and we had a good initial chemistry.

The first one asked my number and made sure I got her number right ( there was no signal in the bar), few days ago in another bar I gave my number to the second one and she immediately texted me to make sure everything was working.

In both case I talked with them for like 20-30 minutes, flirting and I/her stopped and we focused on meeting other people or left.

Last one I met her again, we talked about meeting in the weekend but she was with a group of people with a guy clearly hitting hard on her (and being quite creepy), she didn’t seem much interested in him (he looks better than me)

Anyway I met other women too and got other numbers but there wasn’t such a good chemistry.

The next morning I have texted both, have they replied? Absolutely not.

They are both single and it’s fine if they have found someone else but they were clearly interested enough so why ghosting?
That’s so disrespectful and immature, they don’t have to see me again but since we established some communication they can at least reply and let the conversation die If not interested.

Do they think that if the contact me again after ghosting I will be there waiting for them like nothing happened? Hell no.

About the second girl, I think she actually fell for that creep I think she made a big mistake that sadly many women do: he was clearly better looking than her, very pushy and touchy, he‘s clearly interested for a one night stand only, so please women readers, don’t get fooled by those people especially because some may be dangerous.

If you are looking for ONS, have them with men that don’t need to deceive you.

Anyway do you think I did something wrong? Do you think I should have talked with them more?

My logic is that we just met, there are lots of more people to know, I don’t want to take their entire night and taking things slow is good, if they are really interested they will write me.

I have been in situation when I have been talking for a long time with a women I am not interested with but because I am nice it was hard to leave the conversation and I was wasting my and their time, so just in case I don’t want to take too much time even with someone I like.

Why are women acting like this these days? Is so annoying to date in a big city women in their 20s-30s

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