Context: For the last couple of months, I tossed my jeans and pullovers for dresses and heels. I’m not a looker, but simply changing my style to be uber feminine has resulted in men treating me differently. I get more doors opened for me. If I drop something and men are around, they’ll scramble to pick it up, etc. It’s not really flirting but it is a huge increase in acts of chivalry from strangers.

  1. sounds like you already figured it out, men are simple you don’t need to use the same standards for appearance you use for women

  2. Sounds like you like the attention.

    I’ll hold a door open for anyone behind me without much thought to their gender or appearance. Ditto with dropped objects.

    I like people to be neatly dressed and groomed and appropriate to the situation.

  3. Seeing a woman wearing a potato bag for a shirt would be the highlight of my day, not gonna lie

  4. Tbh I think it’s attractive when a woman simply dresses in what she finds comfortable

  5. 99.99% of women I encounter, I neither notice nor care how they are dressed.

  6. My partner (f) and I (m) were talking about this. She recently did the same thing at work and apparently it’s called “pretty privilege” according to her and her friend.

    So for some clarity are you asking how I’d want women to dress for me to be nice to them or like in general to see women dress? Are you asking about attractiveness or just women as a whole?

  7. Leggings are magic. Beyond that, don’t really care.

    But lucky you enjoying attention from the opposite sex.

  8. I’m a sucker for a sundress paired with some nice sandals or flip flops.

  9. You mean, if dressed? Well, that highly depends on the woman and the occasion.
    What woman and when?

  10. I love dresses. I dont know if I’ll treat you differently if your wearing one but I’m definitely more likely to be attracted

  11. I personally prefer women in touch with their femininity, and I’m not just talking about how she dresses or makeup. A woman who feels more attractive carries herself with more confidence, and I find that very appealing. As far as my partners go, I don’t have a preference in her dressing up or down, makeup or not. I just want her to feel comfortable in her appearance, and what she radiates from that comfort is what I enjoy.

  12. It’s worth pointing out that there are a lot of social cues in how we dress, so it’s probably not just changes in romantic interest in play when people react differently. (Have you noticed whether women also treat you differently or not?)

    There are certainly things that I notice myself noticing, but I don’t really have good self-awareness about how I react to others’ clothing choices (or to my own.)

  13. A woman who wears form-fitting clothes and shows skin is signaling that she’s available or at least receptive to interest and attention. Like, she’s obviously trying to look good for somebody. Maybe that could be me?

    I will look at a girl in a baggy shirt and loose jeans and think she’s cute, but her look says “no thank you, leave me alone.” So I’d be less likely to attempt to flirt.

  14. Men enjoy feminine women who dress the part. We genuinely want to help. Just something in our biology desires to do so.

  15. So for reference (watched a documentary on this). Even most guys don’t know this, but subconsciously it still exists and causes men to react to it. It is really kind of messed up if you think about it, like using a fishing lure to catch fish…..

    Lipstick- when a female gets sexually aroused her lips turn red from increased blood flow

    Blush- when A female gets aroused her cheeks will red

    High heels- cause a females butt to poke out and appear bigger

    Dresses- exposed skin legs/ shoulders

  16. I like the feminine stuff, the chill stuff and the modest stuff. The only thing I don’t like is the revealing stuff.

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