Acquaintances/co workers, I rarely text or talk to outside of whatever setting we typically see each other and never hang out.

People I consider friends, I’d prefer to text at least once a week (even a “hey, what’s up”) and hang out maybe every month or two. I get that life happens but I start to feel out of touch much beyond that. I’ve never been one that can just not talk to someone and then catch up like nothing happened.

What are your friendships like?

  1. Mine are rare and I know it.
    I live with my friends, we’re closer to brothers than friends. We see each other every single day since we decided to pool our money and buy a small 30 acre ranch to build houses on.
    I very literally trust them with my life since we have medical and financial poas for each other in case of an emergency.

  2. Basially have 3 groups of friends…

    High school friends: we text back and forth regularly on a mass text thread and get together to hang out a few times/month. There are a couple who I text individually on an almost-daily basis and some who I only chat with in the group thread or while hanging out in person.

    Local friends: we text back and forth regularly on a mass text thread and get together usually once/week to meet for a drink at the bar or my house. Very rarely text any of them individually unless it’s to recommend a book/movie/tv show (or comment on something they recommended to me)

    Gaming friends: we text back and forth regularly on a mass text thread and get together once/month or so to hangout and play games. I pretty much never text any of them individually.

  3. There’s a few women I were friends with at one of my old jobs that now I at least send a pic to everyday on Snapchat. Half of the time, we don’t really “talk”, but the option to talk to them is always there.

    I occasionally message a guy who I was the best man for. He recently had a kid so he can’t really talk a lot. And I usually don’t have anything to say. I’m always happy when we do ge to talk a little.

    There’s someone who I became friends with here on Reddit. We usually talk on Snapchat, but we also sometimes talk on WhatsApp. I think she would be the most traditionally instance of a friend that I have.

    I unfortunately don’t spend time with friends irl since I quit my last job. I live with my brother so he kind of fits that in person friend quota, but it would probably be better to hang out with a real friend.

  4. Mines I hangout every week, at times it be 2 to 3 times per week for drinks/dinner alternating between friends.

    Then Friday nights usually we are out doing fun things in different city venues. Thats my experience. Seems normal in my opinion.

  5. Few work colleagues from the past, but mainly high school friends. Don’t have any where I live and making new ones is awkward and hard

  6. I had 2 close friends, then one got marrried and moved out of the state and now we don’t txt often anymore; and one is dating someone and they got their own little world going on now so we also stopped txting or hanging, and I’ve decided to ditch this friend. And I have one ex coworker who turned into a friend, age diffierence is 10 yrs! But we hangout once a week for a meal or a hike, but can’t have a deep convo hence the age difference.

    I’m introvert, i don’t just take in someone as friend easily. But once I see you as a friend, i will treat you as family. But i’m also cold hearted that i can cut ties with you and not feel too bad about it if you’ve done something that bugged me for years.

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