I(M21) dated L(F22) for about a year, almost five years ago now. She was my best friend and a seriously amazing person, but I screwed things up at the end with typical teenage drama.

Cut to today, when I saw that her Instagram account watched all four of the stories I had posted last night. She doesn’t follow me or vice versa, and I wasn’t even aware she had a public account until now, but it’s definitely her. Does this mean anything? My head’s now spinning thinking about reaching out or just following her account, but I don’t want to read into things.

Thank you!

TL:DR Ex watched Instagram stories, curious if that is a sign of potential interest in talking again

  1. She’s just creeping on you. We all do it, it doesn’t necessarily mean anything. But if you’re still interested and the reason you broke up doesn’t exist anymore, then why not be like “hey, haven’t seen your face in a while, how have you been?”

  2. >My head’s now spinning

    You shouldn’t be worked up over something this minor for a girl you dated when you were practically a child.

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