It’s really hard for me to meet people. I don’t have a lot of friends, and I have trouble sticking around social scenes for too long. I also have trouble finding people that I click with, and for that reason, I’m okay marrying a guy who doesn’t love me. My dream has always been to get married and have lots of kids, and I’m fine having that with him.

This guy “Tommy”, is not the best looking, but he does have some attractive traits about him. He’s over six feet tall, colored eyes, and extremely muscular. Tommy is the kind of guy that hooks up with multiple women. When I met him as a teenager, his body count was in the 30’s. The first night we met, he tried to hook up with me, but another guy “Peter”, who I liked at the time, told him to back off because he liked me. Tommy backed off out of respect for his friend, but Peter had a girlfriend, so he just wanted to have his cake and eat it too.

Peter and his girlfriend broke up over a year ago. Peter still has deep feelings for me, but he hasn’t reached out. I honestly like Tommy more now. At least he’s more explicit about his attraction for me. He literally told people that I’m the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen. Sure, maybe he just wants to hook up, but I know he wants the family life as well. I can give that to him. We both work really good jobs, so we can be a power couple.

  1. I mean you might be assuming things that Tommy wants marrying (or family) or peter has feelings for you that doesnt show up yet. We do that time to time and end up getting hurt. Just be careful. And dont marry someone you re in love. Thats unfair for the other person.

  2. Love, drop both of them. You don’t marry for children but for love and common interests. Stop thinking it’s either one or the other. What are your passions? What do you like to do?
    Also, marriage without love is crap. You will likely end up hurt, with a serial cheater and children to parent by yourself. Think carefully.

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