So I just had an interview and got turned down. When I asked why, I received this answer: “I don’t want to be rude, but you have poor social skills”. I grew up without a father figure and so I was never good with interactions, but since a few years I have become decent and now am considered to be more of a social guy in my school. Turns out it is still not enough. So what are some little things which improve your social skills? I appreciate even the basic ones, which may seem obvious, but maybe they are not so for me.

  1. be a happy person. if you’re someone who smiles a lot and feels upbeat you’ll make the people around you happier too.

  2. I’m a social person too, and I get along with mostly everybody, but I’m incredibly self-aware. Too much to the point where I feel smaller and inferior if I can pick up on someone’s ambivalence/disdain towards me.

    I’d say, if you have a close friend, tell them about your experience and then ask him/her what you can work on with your people skills. It might hurt, but remember, you can only go up from here.

    Another tip in terms of sociability is being agreeable. This does not mean in-genuine kindness nor being a pushover; it means making the other person feel validated through their thoughts and what they say.

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