I may have a weird perspective on learning, but, I think that it’s okay and normal to still be learning things into adulthood and that learning new things all of the time doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re dumb – XKCD even had a comic about it

That being said, I’m not proud of not knowing everything and get that there’s an idea of ignorance being bliss, but I’m not proud of not knowing everything and being ignorant of all of the things and concepts in God’s kingdom or Blorbs Universe Simulation or whatever.

Do I have to apologize for not knowing everything or is it implied and well understood that nobody knows everything?

I feel like I could save so much mental energy by not apologizing for things that nobody should have to apologize for – I don’t know if there’s some kind of social contract around having to apologize for this kinda thing though.

  1. No one knows everything, and that’s totally fine. Apologizing for that would get tiring very quickly

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