Just got off a date tonight, went frisbee golfing, and we didn’t get a bite to eat just because she’s on a two week long autoimmune diet ordered by her doctor.

That aside we went and watched a few episodes of a show and made out at her place.

After some good convo she walked me to her door and I kissed her good night as I left.

Obviously I will ultimately reach out to figure out if this will move forward, but she hasn’t texted back and I’m not sure if that’s a sign she’s not interested but just wanted a little make out buddy for the night or I’m getting over my head. Usually most girls I’ve dated will at least send a thank you if they are still interested.

1 comment
  1. Is this your first date with this girl? Not all girls will send a thank you text. Sometimes the girl will expect you to send a text afterwards. I usually send a text the next day (if she hasn’t already) telling her that I had a good time and if she would like to go out again. I wouldn’t worry about it too much.

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