Okay so I’ve had a bad time with dating and chatting to guys while OLD. Too many experiences to list but can give examples if needed

I understand I’m not majorly attractive or interesting.

I know people say this and don’t mean it but I seriously don’t care about looks; I’ve been with short, tall, overweight, underweight, no hair, long hair, bearded, not bearded, crooked teeth – I love kind eyes and nice to cuddle.

Something I care deeply about is depth and values; I worry this makes me really boring but I am tired of giving up who I am for a man.

I want us to have compatible beliefs, is patient and cares about sticking to or at least working on values.

I have quite a lot of interests and I am actively interested in others interests and willing to discover new things too

I don’t think I could cope with another relationship where I forgo these needs.

I need someone who is patient as I’m prone to anxiety and panic attacks, especially in sexual situations. I’m tired of feeling like I have to do what they want; I think it’s seriously damaged me emotionally

Please for the love of God, do not just respond with “you need therapy”. I know. I need ALOT of therapy, I’m currently waiting to start a group therapy treatment then hopefully I’m ready for trauma therapy. This will be a process that’ll take YEARS to sort out.

I understand I sound harsh but it’s so disheartening to be dismissed everytime with “get therapy” and nothing else.

I’m getting so nervous I expect too much, it hurts that I could be expecting too much because deep down it feels like I’m asking for next to nothing really, like I don’t even deserve the bare minimum.

I’m 27 and I’m getting more scared that it’s true, that I don’t deserve a loving partner and family…wtf do I do with my life? I won’t be able to live alone in this economy, i always wanted a family and kids…I feel trapped

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