I was walking my dog today, and on the corner of the street I saw a £20 note.

I looked around, then picked it up, and stayed looking around for a while to see if there was anyone about (which there wasn’t), so I shrugged, and kept on walking..

I’m back from the walk now, so what should I do with it? What would **you** do with it?

  1. You may as well keep it now. I found a tenner in the pub and shouted anyone lost a tenner? A guy jumped up immediately and said it was his, grabbed it and sat down again smirking. I’m sure it wasn’t his but it’s not like a driver’s license with ID. At least you paused and waited, you can spend it with a clear conscience.

  2. Congratulations! You’re £20 richer. It’s Friday so get yourself a takeaway and take the win

  3. You wave it in the air for 3 seconds and whisper ” has anyone lost this?” Then pocket it, knowing you tried your best to find the owner. Go you!

  4. I’d keep it! If you really don’t care about money could put in a charity box or give to someone homeless I suppose.. if I lost £20 I wouldn’t go asking around where I’d been for it, and assume it was long gone, unless it was in a wallet or something. Circle of life

  5. Nothing you can do.

    Even if you’re determined to give it back, it’s a bank note…

    So, you’re just gonna have to spend it yourself.

  6. Given inflation at the moment, it was probably worth a tenner by the time you got home

  7. If you are really bothered you could check the local facebook groups, sometimes you get a sob story about a little boy who dropped his birthday money or suchlike.

  8. You can keep an eye out on local Facebook pages incase someone mentions it but otherwise there isn’t anything to do but treat yourself, with some fuel!

  9. I would hand it in to the police. I’ve handed in a tenner, and I’ve handed in £150. Neither were claimed, so after 3 months I got to keep it myself.

  10. The £20 went on a journey to find you, floating the streets, it’s fate. Now go buy 500 fish fingers.

  11. Buy yourself something nice with it. It’s 20 quid, you’ll never find who lost it. Consider it a gifr from the universe. Different if it was 100 or you saw who dropped it, but you didn’t so enjoy it.

  12. Keep it buy your wife some flowers and the dog a new toy or your wife a new toy and your dog some flowers

  13. I found ten quid on my way to the barbers yesterday. Gave him a £5 quid tip and bought dinner ingredients with the other £5. Keep it, spend it, give it away. It’s only £20.

  14. It’s mine. I retraced my steps looking for it but to no avail. I’d like it back please.

  15. Just keep it, not worth the effort of finding the real owner and i wouldn’t trust anyone who says it’s theirs anyway

  16. I swear half the people on this sub would make a post asking people how they should wipe their own arse if it was allowed.

  17. If your conscious is nagging at you, just donate £20 to a charity of your choice.

  18. Strange I just lost £20 on or near (insert local dog walking route near to you) ….gotta admit it’s a heck of a coincidence . If it helps I can describe the note?

  19. Actual question should be. I found £20 in the street and I’m now pissed, what should I get to eat?

  20. Burn it, reducing the money supply and so slightly reducing inflation.

  21. I believe the old adage of ‘finders keepers, losers weepers’ applies in this situation.

  22. You’re supposed to hand it in at a police station and wait to see if no one claims it.

    In reality however just go and enjoy your new £20.

  23. I’d give it to a random person on the internet.. preferably one that suggests giving it to a random person on the internet

    Best regards

    A Random person on the internet

  24. The owner of a single loose note isn’t going to be found. I’d spend it.

    A bundle or a wallet I would turn into the police.

  25. Same thing happened to me a few weeks ago, £30 just lying on the pavement. Like you I had a look around for anyone running back in a panic but there was no one around so I stuck it in my pocket and used it to buy some bits for my toddler 🤷🏽‍♀️

  26. I always leave it. Because Whenever I lose money, I walk my previous walk when I lost it, hoping whomever found it, left it on the ground. But hey! Most people do like you, and pick it up.

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