I genuinely want to know because it seems like I can never go out without at least 1 guy trying to talk to me. I literally get harassed to the point where a guy was following me while I was shopping all the way until I walked out. It’s annoying as fuck…

1 comment
  1. I don’t know if this applies to you but in my teens and early twenties guys would constantly hit on me because of my “social smile” (that’s what my therapist called it). I suffered from pretty severe social anxiety and my way to cope with it was to smile at whoever I accidentally made eye contact with. Many men took that as an invitation and I can’t blame them. It’s like the opposite of a resting bitch face.
    It took several years to unlearn this behavior but nowadays I just look somewhere else and try to not smile at them at all. It helped a lot and while men still hit on me occasionally when I’m alone, they now mostly leave me alone when I’m with friends, which I count as a win.

    Edit: I just noticed you mentioned a guy following you around while shopping. This behavior is creepy and there’s no way you could have provoked this. Please don’t be afraid to talk to the mall staff when something like this happens. They will definitely help you and can ban him from the building or even call the cops if necessary.

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