I just want them to ask me to hangout or add me in their group chat. I hate seeing their ig stories with them having fun and feeling like shit in my room. I hate being used as an answer key when they don’t do their work for class. I hate seeing them giggle and never telling me what’s funny. I just want to feel included. I’m tired. I hate myself. Sorry if this was long I just wanted to vent.

  1. Fuck them they aint your friends you dont need em act like there a ghost and fuck ig social media apps like fb ig snap its made to ruin everything reality social wise and your mental health,

  2. I don’t think that’s what “friends” are called.

    You can ask to start being included

  3. It truly makes you think if isolation is really worst than being around people who make you feel alone.

    Dump them and treat them like strangers back, value yourself when nobody can.

  4. Find new friends dude.

    Some people are cool and fun but they just won’t be your friends simply because they already have their friend group set. Doesn’t mean they are bad people or you are too uncool to be their friend.

  5. You’ll always be a loser if you don’t stop hanging out with losers. Give them the wrong answers before you take them out of your life. Being alone isn’t that bad. Just find some hobbies you like, search online, meetup app, etc…

    Used to be like you. Once you realize your worth that is when your world starts becoming fun and enjoyable.

  6. You can take some classwork for them, then you won’t feel used. (Idk how to refer to the rest of your post)

  7. So my question is if they actively exclude you or you ve never tried joining in? Sometimes people aren’t really trying to exclude you so much as they don’t take the step to include you cause they aren’t sure you want to be included.


    Are you friends with these people or just classroom acquaintances? These people likely became friends with one another because they actively asked each other to hang out.

    I don’t really get why no one else on this thread is considering this, and just assuming these people are terrible people to be around.

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