Growing up and through college, I always felt like I made friends easily. I found it easy to talk to people about anything. Graduated college, moved away, while in a long distance relationship. I somewhat isolated myself during this accidentally. Fast forward 7 years and 2 moves, we break up. Only realizing at this time, that I’ve lost contact with all my friends and literally knew no one outside of my exs friend circle.

I’ve since found a great guy, but through our combined job changes, we’ve moved 4 times in 3 years. We both travel 40-60% of the time.

We’re now back close to his hometown and I just can’t connect with the people he knows from growing up. They are nice people, I don’t mind having dinner or drinks with them. We just have nothing in common. By nature, it’s easier for them to talk to each other about small town drama than learnt about me and my job.

Additionally, we don’t have kids—and are more in the child free by choice camp. I don’t mind hanging out with your kiddos and talking about them, but I personally can’t relate to the “being a mom is my whole personality” people either.

We’re in the rural Midwest so we aren’t swimming in the obvious friend making opportunities I can think of.

How do I make friends as an adult? I work remote and travel a lot. No local coworkers. I considered a second job at a coffee shop, etc. but I can’t really be scheduled much due to my “real job”. Can anyone else relate? Ideas? Suggestions?

  1. I’d recommend getting out of the house and doing things you like, whether it’s getting a coffee by yourself, going to get your nails done, going to a library or small event where other people might go. Just go and be yourself, and see if you vibe with anyone or mingle. I’ve had luck socializing at coffee shops or the library, but nothing has really stuck for me. I’m in the same boat, but these are the things that I think of to do when wanting to mingle or maybe make a new friend.

    Following because I’d like to know new ideas as well! New friends are hard to come by, and it sucks.

  2. Interests. If you like a certain game, join a discord dedicated to that game. If you want to meet people irl, find a meetup in something you’re interested in.

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