hey guys I’m a young guy and has this friend group that i occasionally hangout with from time to time at bars,clubs,etc. There is one specific guy in this group that has always shown subtle signs of animosity, hate, jealously, dislike towards me (idk exactly what it is but he shows signs of disliking me or something) I am nice guy, never talk bad about people, and everyone else in the group is always showing love to me except him. Each time we hang out, i say whats up to every one and every time i try to dap him up ( shake his hand) he jokingly, passive aggressively denies the handshake at first and always says something to the likes of “naaa not this guy” ( or something similar to that) then half asses shakes my hand. With that said I recently hung out with this group after a good 2 months of not seeing them and again he did the same thing but this time he kind of did it front of everyone which made it a bit awkward. I played off well and dismissed it pretty good but one knows when someone doesnt like you and ik this guy doesn’t like me. I really don’t care to know why he doesn’t like me. He is your typical hard headed pessimistic guy of the group that thinks he is hard that I feel like every guy group my age (early 20s) has/knows. This gesture he did did get under my skin as i felt disrespected a bit since i am always respectful, never talk about anyone, never gossip, and have never disrespected him at all. i want to know how should i handle this situation for future encounters. I don’t care much about being friends with him since he is pretty negative and always talking bad about others. The only reason why i “care” about this is to avoid awkwardness/embarrassment. Each time he does it feels like he wants to like prove a point or embarrass me in front of the others( sometimes we do hang out with girls as well) . I played it off good the last time but knowing myself I dont think i will let it slide the next time. I don’t want to react like what he is doing bothers me but i want to be able to handle it in a slick way what do you guys think? (btw I want to make it clear that this guy is not my friend, he just happens to hang out with the group, I mess with a few guys of the group, and again have always been respectful)

  1. That guy sounds like an a-hole. Lol. I’d seriously just act like he doesn’t exist next time I see him.

  2. I’d just ignore him. He obviously doesn’t deserve your attention or time. If he ends up talking to you, converse with him to make it pass. but regardless, you don’t really have to greet him if he’s just an aquaintance and not really your friend out of the friend group. If he gets offended or mentions you not greeting him, just play it off cool like, “oh sorry I just forgot to greet you..” and then greet him lol

  3. Nah I’d either completely ignore him like he’s invisible, or I’d very bluntly call him out on it.

    I’d just straight up be like “dude, why are you acting so weird? Did I offend you or something ? What’s up?” while king of “laughing it off”. And I’d keep pestering him until he spoke up or completely shut up.

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