Every 6 or 7 months my wife gets stressed about money for some reason. We are doing just fine, have a savings and the equity in our home is nearly double what we paid for it 2 yeas ago. I feel very secure but there are some months we don’t really save much. June and July are a couple of those months due to our young children’s birthdays are in June/July (spending on parties) plus we go out and do a lot of things with friends and family. Basically we are spending money doing fun things, and I am okay with it. She seems to be too since these things are usually her idea with the other moms.

Anyway, when we have these conversations every 6 or 7 months, she always always always brings up selling our home and moving to a cheaper state and pocketing a bunch of money. Not a bad idea, but where she loses me is saying it will let us travel and do a lot more things. I feel like it isn’t about security, it’s about her wanting disposable money.

I personally do not want to move because we will be moving somewhere that we would have zero support. We would not have the grandparents to lean on for baby sitting if needed. About 75% of the things we do are because we are invited along by either friends or family, we would lose that. Our kids are 3 and 1 so they wouldn’t really realize other than my 3 year old maybe noticing he doesn’t see grandma and grandpa anymore. We see them on almost a weekly basis either and their house or family parties. I would also need to find a new job. She works from home, but since her office is local, we don’t know if they would even allow her to move and stay on.

I won’t lie, I am mostly scared of leaving family and friends because they have always made up a major part of my life. Obviously my wife and kids come first but I don’t think having extra money outweighs losing the social/support aspect of our lives, considering we aren’t struggling for money. My wife doesn’t really have many close friends and isn’t close with her family so it’s a lot easier for her to simply leave. But she has refereed to my side of the family, as the family she wish she had growing up. Her sister who lives in a different state has been out here to visit a couple of times too and is actually considering moving closer to us because she loved the family dynamic.

I can’t gauge how serious she is, but I get so anxious thinking about it. If she really wants to move, I would do it for her but I don’t think it is wise. Am I just being a baby? Am I being selfish? Are my priorities wrong? I love my wife and I’m not going to lose her or break up my family because I’m stubborn.

People that have moved due to similar circumstances, how did things turn out?

EDIT: We always talk about selling our home when they kids are out of the house and moving to a lake town. So it’s a plan of ours, just not immediate.

  1. I don’t know if I would characterize it as fear, necessarily. It’s just something that is not for you right now. You are wise to consider whether it might not be best for your mental health and your social support at least right now while your kids are little. Being entirely without support with little ones is hard and we see that all the time on this board.

  2. Not a bad idea, but where she loses me is saying it will let us travel and do a lot more things. I feel like it isn’t about security, it’s about her wanting disposable money.


    OP, what did your wife tell you when you said this to her?

    I mean, you did bring this up to her right?

    Things need to be dealt with in marriages, so discuss this with her.

    If a couple is having the same conversations regularly (even every 6 or 7 months), then you are NOT communicating well together.

    You’re not resolving anything.

    Address the topics, deal with them, work on them, resolve them.

    If not, it won’t end well for the two of you.

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