So I (45M) connected with a 56F on an OLD app… we chatted, and made a plan to meet for drinks over the weekend.

My question… how much chatting do I engage in before we meet? I want to maintain her interest, but don’t want to be pushy or overbearing. She specifically said she’s not into needy or pushy guys, so I want to respect that, but not appear aloof or uninterested. Thanks!

  1. If she specifically said she’s not into needy or pushy guys then just let it be until Friday. Do a “hope you had a good week and looking forward to hanging out tomorrow night” as a confirmation.

  2. I would text her at least a couple of times, I’d also slip in somewhere that you’re looking forward to your date.

  3. Near zero. Depends on if they’re flirty with memes. Overall text is for setting up plans. That’s it.

  4. Careful. Women around mid 50s can be very demanding,horny like you wouldn’t believe and very good at hiding their intentions.

  5. I don’t bother with any chatting. I’ll confirm on the day before, and update when I’m about to leave for the date.

  6. If nothing else, I like to confirm on the day of the date… just a quick text a few hours before like, “everything still good for 7 pm at Mediterrano tonight?”

  7. If she specifically stated that she’s not into needy/pushy, wait until Thursday (unless she initiates conversation first) and ask her if you’re still on for the weekend.

  8. This answer might seem glib, but I mean it honestly. Communicate as much as you want to. If she perceives you as needy or pushy, so be it. Do you really wanna start a relationship with someone by pretending to be someone you’re not?

  9. I would maybe keep it to _very_ little communication, like just reminder question like ”just to make sure that we are still on tomorrow at 7pm in Red Lobster?” type of text a day before to confirm that the date is still happening, so you can still change your plans if she flakes. Also a reply to the message you receive, but that’s what I would do.

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