Most men are very focused on sex, and in the eyes of women that’s almost all they care about. So why would a woman date such a person if that’s not what they want in a partner? Most women would rather men thought about sex less and were more romantic. Most Men who women see as sweet and an ideal partner are probably dickheads who only wanna get in your pants.

  1. What you see and what they say are totally different.
    Women don’t seek out jerks. Sometimes people are great till they aren’t. Sometimes people hide their true intentions till they get what they want.

    This belief that women don’t go for “nice guys” is bullshit.

  2. You are sending out wrong vibes. Beyond 5 senses, there is 6th sense which is vibes. The feeling you give to people like a homing beacon to attract people. When you are happy, confident and relaxed, you attract similar people. It is in your body language, people read that and sense your being. If you have any negativity, bad vibes or bitterness the guys you want will fly away and then you stuck with guys that prove to you all the negative things you already believe, creating a self fulfilling effect. My spiritual teacher says: change yourself, trying to change other people will create a lot of suffering, you can only be on this planet to alleviate suffering we cannot change people or save them, only they can change and save themselves if they choose. I apply that advice to men. Really works, I accept them fully and unconditionally, they really open their heart to me 😊

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