How hard did lockdown f*ck your daily routine?

  1. It helped it, if anything. Working from home means I have more flexibility in terms of my gym/exercise schedule. Less time at the office meant I ate less takeout and restaurant food and more home cooked meals, so I lost a lot of weight. It definitely threw a wrench in my social life, but that has largely subsided since lockdown measures lifted.

  2. Mostly it just eliminated my commute which was awesome. Now that’s back a few days a week which I’m not loving.

  3. It didn’t. I was essential personnel and did what was needed.

    I still visited family and the higher priority people in my inner circle.

  4. I live in Florida. What lockdown? The only thing that got trimmed is my international travel.

    Fuck the lockdowns.

  5. I was working at home before this. Only thing that changed was adding a mask when going out.

  6. So hard that for a long time i didn’t pick a pen, and after a light year when I picked it up i forgot how to write

  7. Well, I used to lift weights almost daily. Now I’m 30lb heavier and haven’t held a consistent workout routine since 2020. That’s not all lockdown’s fault, but that’s what started it.

  8. I work at Whole Foods so we were on the front lines long hours , and super stressful.

  9. Lockdown was like a 3 month vacation for me and frankly my mental health has been declining ever since.

  10. It hurt bad and only got worse after the last election. A lot of my customers were older people/yuppies in lockdown cities + a lot of my material manufacturers shut down.

    Personally nothing changed as my county didn’t lockdown.

  11. Absolutely none. I hate to sound tone deaf to people because i know there are a lot that struggled, but the pandemic was/is awesome. I got a couple vacations from work, got days off to go get vaccinated got some money, paused student loans, got covid with no qside effects. Just a really pleasant time.

  12. Only a bit, but only for the negative. At the time, I was working a job that had me mostly outside away from people. It ended up getting declared essential so most of my working routine didn’t change.

    However, pre-COVID I had been given the option to do my 15 minutes of daily paperwork at home instead of at the office and I decided to keep going to the office because it wasn’t any extra driving and help my work/home separation. That went away.

    I had also gotten a membership to a gym that was located right between my office and my apartment and I was stopping by there several times a week. That went away.

    I had been grocery shopping every day to buy fresh ingredients and only what I planned to eat immediately to both reduce waste and eat more healthly. I switched to once a week and was buying things that were more shelf stable.

    I had been traveling to a friend’s house every weekend for DnD/hanging out which was my only socializing through the week. That went away.

    After a couple months, I gave up on the not traveling to my friend’s house because I was stuck in a place where my only in-person social contact was a turbo-Karen subcontractor at work and my mental health was going in the toilet (I had already replaced a coworker who had already begged off dealing with her before COVID due to her impact on mental health).

    I lasted a few more years at that job, but the rest of it never really got unfucked or at least what issues were solved were solved in a “new normal” way that broke what made the routine work for me before COVID. I ended up quitting the job and going after a career change. In part because I became jealous of all of the people getting to go fully work from home while I was getting all of the negatives of work from home with none of the positives.

    TL;DR: The lockdown only affected my routine in seemingly minor ways, but it was minor ways that kind of unmade all of the stability I had been developing and made my professional path untennable.

  13. The lockdown itself didn’t, but the other people who went crazy during lockdown did.

  14. What lockdown? I live in a free state. I was able to come and go as I pleased.

  15. Lost my job

    Found a job that’s better (but doesn’t pay as much) after many months.

  16. I didn’t comply so it didn’t change my daily routine outside of my work schedule went from 8 hours a day to 4. So I got to spend more time with my kid. It was great.

  17. I went from having a job, friends, family, social life and the gym to none of the above and learnt who the real friends and family are towards the end.

    Ended up eating 6000-10000 kcal a day in chocolate, crisps and fast good gaining 160lb. Updated my will, made an exit bag (Philip Nitschke style) wrote my note which turned into a 7 page manifesto and was searching for places to buy nitrogen but clearly never got around to it.

  18. Ended the best relationship I’ve ever had, with the first and possibly last woman I’ve ever seen myself settling down with.

    Took away all of my coping mechanisms, IE gym and drinking.

    Seemed like my government was trying their hardest to push my to off myself.

  19. Zero. I never stopped working. The lack of traffic and cops not pulling people over was pretty sweet.

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