Hi, I have been working in the company since one month and one of my female colleague showed interest in me but I haven’t showed much interest in her nor do i have given much attention to her so she started chasing me and even sat beside me on working days. Later, on following days she started touching me, hugging became too common and i too started showing interest in her and started touching her as well. Touching became so common that I can touch her anywhere and she doesn’t say anything.

But day before yesterday we went to some place and i have showed desperation for sex but she rejected as the place we went was close to her room so I wanted to be with her with room but she rejected that. And yesterday we met hugged but she was not the same as she was earlier. She was now not sitting beside me. And today as i am on off she didn’t even texted me at all which I making me more nervous that I might loose her.

What should I do? Is it happening because I am showing that I am too desparate for sex as i have shown? Or is it that she is just bored with me? Or she just want to see my patience level?

What are the solutions? Should I ignore her back and let her know that I don’t care it? Or should I ask her about this? Or should I go and give some kisses to her?

I can’t live without her, I don’t know what to do my heart is wrenching.. how can I remove such feeling? Please help me.

  1. It’s a test. Don’t get upset. Just keep doing the nice fun behaviour that made her like you. Ignore it and be happy. She will be back for sure. Just be friendly and happy.

  2. Maybe a little bit to desperate or she feels bad rejecting you even so it was the right thing for her. She maybe feels awkward and doesn’t know how to interact with you now and she overdose it in the ignoring way. Take a step back in touching things and try to make her smile to ease the tension and slowly build up the relationship again

  3. Playing games isn’t good. Cut your losses and find someone who reciprocates your actions.

  4. Listen, it’s never ever ever ever worth it if someone’s playing games. Because if they play games with you know, they might play games with you later to make you unhappy.

    You deserve better

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