Boyfriend finished on my face. He had a condom on during intercourse, but never finishes in there, he always pulls out and i finish him. I, being the idiot I am, went to shower to clean up. I used the rag I cleaned his cum off with, on my vagina. Stupid move, i know, dont tell me about it lol. There was no soap on the rag either. This all happened probably 5 or so minutes after he finished on my face, by the time I got to shower. I was also on day 3 of my period. I know sperm can live up to 5 days inside. My period ended 3 days later.

How possible is it that the sperm traveled up from the wet rag and lasted inside of me days after my period ended, AND I ovulated wayyy early and got pregnant from this? How delicate is sperm, really?

I know I’m going to get those comments about getting on hormonal birth control. I tried it and became suicidal on the pill, so I’m hesitant to try them again.

  1. Is it possible, yes. Likely, no. If the semen dries out then it’s pretty safe all the sperm is dead. Otherwise you should treat it like there are live sperm, but the chance that you could ovulate before all the sperm were dead is very low.

    You may want to consider a non-hormonal IUD.

  2. To my knowledge sperm is pretty delicate, when you donate it theyre really quick to get it in a cold environment.

    It depends on the environment really. Sperm can live 15-30 minutes out in the open in the right conditions. But in a warm enviroment, like a bath or shower, it lasts only a few seconds (how warmth kills it quick but a vagina can house it for days im not so certain, probably the miracle of our reproductive system.)

    If you got the rag wet with warm shower water before you touched your vagina, you can be confident you’re okay. Even if you touched the sperm on the rag directly to your vagina without warmth I think you’d have nothing to worry about.

  3. Iud is what my gf uses , hasn’t failed us yet. 5 minutes out in the open is still possible for sperms to be active but if it just touched your outer vulva then the likelihood is low. Would still do a test to be sure tho.

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