Hey guys, I am as stated very fit. I do not watch porn, I do not jerk off when alone, but often when I have sex, like rough sex, I can’t keep a really strong erection. I have a very healthy libido and am super horny when with a girl I like. I am not quite sure what it is about, but my theory is that my muscles just demand the most amount of blood flow during the act. I am quite well build and “fucking” (besides making love) is still pretty new and exhausting to me. And as soon as I slow down I get harder again. I wonder what your take on it is. It is pretty frustrating, as I really want to smash my chick, however primitive that sounds, but my piece is not holding up…

  1. You say you’re still relatively new to fucking maybe it’s just in your head and you need more practice to build up your confidence. If not that definitely talk to your Dr about it. They can run some tests to make sure it isn’t anything physical.

    Worse case scenario you might need a low dose of cialis or viagra.

  2. I found that theres a fine line between being fit and healthy and doing almost too much exercise to deplete my testosterone.

    At the start of the year I did a 6 week intensive PT course and during those 6 weeks I found I was more horny but couldnt actually keep it up. But when I went back to just doing my regular 2-3 simple work outs per week it went straight back to normal and was back to enjoying sex again.

    Not sure what your work out routine is but if you are doing intensive cardio or HIITs regularly theres a small chance you are depleting yourself and have no juice left for sex.

    Just my 2 cents

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