Having a foot fetish is complete torture. For example I am currently in holiday in a European country & its sunny 99% of the time meaning that females are mostly wearing open toed shoes (flip-flops, sandles & sometimes just barefoot). It is torture knowing that as much as you can look without getting caught, the chances of you ever having any interaction with them or the female herself is highly highly improbable. It is hell due to the fact that you get frustrated because you cannot have any interaction with them, then there’s the guilt about looking at them & wanting to do more & then there’s also dealing with the fact that no matter how beautiful they may be you will never be able to know what they smell like, taste like or even be able to give a compliment about them. It’s a damn shame. If I could rid myself of this ridiculous fetish I would.

  1. Dude, relax. It’s like going to the beach and seeing girls in bikinis. Or even walking down the street and seeing a woman in a low scoop neck shirt. Cleavage everywhere nowadays. Easy on the eyes, hard on the penis (pun intended). But that’s where self control comes in my guy.

  2. I understand your point, but it’s not the self control I worry about, it’s the emotions that follow I my head, I hate myself for thinking such things & then I hate myself because I feel like a weirdo & a creep & it’s just a conflict in my head all the time, it’s so difficult, I wish I could not have one man

  3. Having a foot fetish is normal. In my experience, the majority of (but definifely not all) women don’t ACTUALLY mind a man who likes feet. It’s the most common kink there is.

    What they really can’t stand is being ogled at or treated like a fetish delivery system. Most women are open to it if it’s not the focal point of your normal sex. Just go talk to a lady without staring at her feet and see how it goes.

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