Someone asked me for my snap the other day and I know that snap was popular when I was a teen and did have one back then but as an adult I have never used it nor do i want to. This person was a bit shocked when I said I didn’t have a snapchat, then they asked me for my instagram. Now I do have an instagram but it’s pretty blank, I don’t post anything I only use it to follow tattoo artists and musicians who announce things on their accounts. When I said that they again looked at me like I was a bit weird and asked what I do have.

I told them I just use whatsapp/imessage and would give them my number and they were uncomfortable with that so we just parted ways. Which is fine, I wasn’t particularly interested in the conversation, but it did get me wondering if I’m the weirdo here. I do use social media and am on twitter and tumblr and discord etc but I just don’t want to communicate directly through those sites, if I want to be friends with someone or more I would give them my phone number.

Other young people on here, what do you use to message people? Are you a social media kind of person or a phone number type? Bonus question: would you find it weird if someone offered you their number instead of a username or social media handle?

I’m 24 just for reference as well.

  1. I’m 25 and I’m with you mate, I only use WhatsApp to communicate with people. I sacked off social media about 5 years ago and not looked back anyway. I feel like if someone is asking for your snap or IG and aren’t interested in your phone number, they aren’t interested in communicating with you, they just want to collect more followers or flex their own socials.

  2. I stopped using snapchat, i just feel too old for it. I used instagram to communicate but deleted that as well. I prefer whatsapp or messenger now. I’m also 24

  3. 24 here I pretty much just use discord to talk to people

    Edit: the exception being messenger to talk to family

  4. I’m 26, use WhatsApp primarily to talk to people. I guess if I dont feel comfortable giving my number just yet then I’d use Instagram but I’m not really active on Instagram

  5. I default to instagram. WhatsApp maybe but it’s just texting basically and it’s giving someone your phone number which I guess could then be used to call you or passed on etc. whereas with insta you have to approve someone to contact you.

  6. Discord primarily. WhatsApp and Telegram as a secondary thing as it’s free SMS texting. Discord is a social hangout + group organising area. Lots of companies use it as well.

  7. 62. I use Whatsapp (free international text and voice), iMessage, and SMS. Have accounts everywhere. I use what my customers want.

    Family younger than me use Facebook and Messenger a lot.

    Next batch, a little younger than OP are all on Snapchat and Instagram.

    SMS/text is the common denominator across generations in my experience.

    Part of my work is in communications. When customers ask what they should use to stay in touch with their grandchildren my answer is always “whatever they are using.” That can be a moving target.

  8. On WhatsApp I know you can generate a QR code others can scan to add you. I assume this would then give them your number but not 100% sure.

  9. WhatsApp & Facebook messenger. Sometimes Instagram when I first talk with people. Deleted snap after uni.

  10. ~~23~~. 24, just remembered I recently had a birthday lol.

    whatsapp, fb messenger, discord

  11. WhatsApp and Signal. I sometimes play tennis with this bloke in his 60s who has no phone and to communicate with him I call my local pub and leave a message 😂

  12. I chat via WhatsApp/text/phone. I have Facebook but only to see what others are up to I don’t interact with people on there really. And Instagram is for tagging friends in funny memes. I rarely post anything. Im too old for Snapchat and tiktok.

  13. I’m 20, just kept using Snapchat after I left school had everyone on it anyway. After that maybe instagram. WhatsApp and messenger are really how I keep in touch with older family members.

  14. Same here, I’m 25, got snapchat when it first came out then stopped using it a couple of years later. I think a lot of people our age did that. Then when I started uni last September I found that it’s the main way that teens communicate and had to download it again. Disappearing messages are a pain in the arse for someone as forgetful as me 🥲

    I prefer Whatsapp personally, or FB messenger if I don’t have their number.

  15. I have had snapchat since 2016. I use it more now than I did. I’m 21 and use it to message my friends, I don’t actually have all my friend’s phone numbers. Snapchat is really the only social media I have though, Instagram is entirely blank, so is Facebook and twitter. I would also feel more comfortable asking for someone’s number rather than their snap, but I assume people would think I’m weird for thinking that.

  16. Whatsapp and Telegram. I have no social media. Most people find it weird but at the end of the day you either want my number or you don’t

  17. I’m mid 20’s and use primarily fb messenger. My sisters and family are mid 30’s and above and they only use WhatsApp so I use that to speak to them but not for anyone else. Bit of insta and bit of snap but I wouldn’t have a full blown convo over those

  18. FB Messenger is a GARBAGE chat app and I hate when people message me on it when they already have my number. I purposely will reply to them on any other app and ignore the Facebook message.

    Ditto Snapchat. Its terrible for talking. I always think its an absolute cheaters paradise though, like disappearing messages have been fantastic for that.

  19. Was going to comment, then realised I am long past the definition of a “young adult”!

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