so basically it’s summer and my friend group from high school wants to meet up and have lunch next week. I’m not sure if I should go. Back in high school my best friend found a group of friends since we were in different classes. And she kind of pulled me into it. Then she started to dis me like randomly in the group, like just full on at me on things I told her privately and she would get the friend group to back her up. Then she started saying how being mean to her friends was her way of fun. So basically I don’t really know why I’m still in touch with them, I guess I just miss the good memories I had with my former-bestie. Anyways that was kind of long, should I go to the hangout?
any advice would help thank you

  1. lasting friendships from hs are hard to come by which may suggest “be grateful , and go!” but that is not what i am saying . i would not say sever ties because it is a lonely world out there . maybe there is a way that you can go , but look leave early . try and find a way to honor the idea , but not get swept away ?

    not sure if that makes any sense …

  2. Do you feel comfortable being in the group with your best friend and her friends?

    It all comes down to your level of comfort. I just went for dinner with 3 friends, 2 of which I haven’t had classes with for 2+ years and I enjoyed it. I had trouble relating with them on some conversations but we still hit it off, had fun, gave hugs, etc.

    If you feel that you’re still close with your group, I think it would be a fun opportunity to catch up some old memories!

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