I (25F) think my vagina is too big for my boyfriend (28M) who is just below average size. His size isnt a problem for me, he is an excellent lover and I always cum, but it’s starting to bother me that I can feel there is (quite a lot of) room up in there when we are having sex. It makes me self conscious… unless I’m on top, air always gets in which brings more attention to it. I feel like my bf can definitely notice and I’m paranoid that it bothers him but he would never say anything about it. He is always able to finish, so there’s no problem there. I just know the sex would be better if I felt more snug against him, and it’s starting to really bother me. I notice it every time now.

I also notice it when fingering myself, once I’m in it’s like a big open space up there.

I try doing kegals while he is inside, and that does tighten things up, but it distracts from my own pleasure and requires me to focus on something other than cumming. I can’t finish if I’m doing kegals so at some point I have to release.

Girls, anyone have this experience and what can I do about it?

Guys, what are your experiences with this and is it a noticeable thing?

  1. When a woman is relaxed and turned on, the vagina tents and prepares for penetration. Absolutely nothing to worry about.

    I’m a guy and I don’t believe in loose or tight vaginas. They all feel a little different, but the experience comes from pleasuring one another – connecting and being intimate.

  2. I’m a M twice your age, OP.
    There is supposed to be lots of space up in there. Especially when you’re turned on: your vagina does what’s called tenting, where things expand in size for greater surface area for his sperm to swim along looking for your cervix/uterus.
    And as far as tightness- to me that’s secondary to being balls deep in my lover/partner. And that she’s enjoying it as much (or more!) than me. I can feel my current lover approaching orgasm as she opens up to accept as much of me as I can give. It means we’re doing things right, I think.

  3. That ‘big open space’ is called vaginal tenting. It is normal. You said you practice kegals and the health of your pelvic floor determines ‘tightness’ more than anything else.

    As for you actual size, it may simply be who you are. Vaginas vary in size and shape every bit as mich as penises. There is no problem here though. You said yourself you always cum and so does he. Even without that, if you enjoy being with each other in the act that is what matters.

  4. I doubt it matters much to him. How long does he last? Any issues with him finishing or losing erections? Does he avoid things like fingering you in foreplay?

    If I was him I’d dig that there was some flexibility. That opens up all sorts of fun things to do and explore. However, the easy button is a nice soft butt plug while doing PIV. Doesn’t have to be all that big either. It will make things tight because they will be physically less room.

  5. > air always gets in which brings more attention to it

    That usually happens when your partner pulls out too much. He needs to stay inside more.

  6. Your pussy is just a different size genetically. We don’t all have the same tampon size either

  7. Kegals aren’t meant to be done during sex… It’s an exercise you do in your spare time

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