I’m stuck in a 7:30 am to 6 pm job, it’s interfering with my social life and goals, I work 11 hours a day and then I have to cook dinner, eat, take a shower and hit the gym I’m back at home at 10:30 and go straight to bed. I work sometimes on Saturdays 8 hours. And on Sundays I buy the groceries, do the laundry and set my apartment in order after a week of rushing in and out. The few free hours I have I use them to rest. Anyways I’m 22M and I feel I’m getting older and can’t accomplish my goals or be in a relationship. It’s been 3 years working like this. I wanna go back to college, make friends and work on a business I’m building from scratch so I can quit my job.

  1. So stop doing the overtime, if you’ve built your own business from scratch you’ve found more time to do things than just rest.

    Sorry rip on you but you’re the only one in your way.

    Shift work should be making you decent money which is probably why you’re there, if you are spending it all just to keep going back then something needs to change.

  2. Maybe change to partime it’s the only solution or change your shift to that afternoon you’re still young don’t worry about having a social life I go to college and I still don’t have the time to hang out with others besides my breaks just focus on your career and do something about ur job maybe talk to the manager to work less hours so u can manage both school and work good thing thier is remote classes now take advantage of it !

  3. I don’t know if this a thing in your country. How about to work less hours ? For example instead of 100% just 80% then you would have 3 days off instead only 2 days. And cut out the overwork or limited it.
    And a own company is not a good idea if you have already the feeling you don’t have enough time for yourself. You will have even less freetime, a own company is stressful.

  4. that’s literally what I do. Except I’m gone 11:30a-9p every day usually. Today I work overtime

    Literally just spending my weekends doing chores and then trying to imagine a better life.

    Im assuming you are making some decent money though, your best bet is just to save that up. I’m trying to become an entrepreneur as well but it’s a long term goal. Hardly have time to go to the gym.

  5. That is life in this world, unless you get rich. And you won’t get rich working for someone for 11 hours per day.

  6. I feel you.

    Assuming you’re based in the U.S, it sucks to have to pay so much to survive. Not just money, but paying with your time. Everyday feels like the same, never having time to yourself, etc etc.

    I’m also going to assume that the overtime you work is mandatory. I used to have a similar schedule, I would work 10 hrs a day, 8 hrs on Saturdays because mandatory OT is company policy.

    Let me tell you something that changed my perspective.

    I went through a huge burnout, which might be close to what you’re experiencing right now. I was physically/mentally exhausted and I wished for the worst to happen to me so I don’t have to “grind” all day, everyday. It got to the point where I could barely wake up for work, I was lashing out and being impatient with my SO, friends, and family. I needed to take a step back.

    I realized that everything that I stood for in my company and how much time I was putting in was truly not worth it. No job will ever be worth destroying your mental health over. Take a break when you need to. If you have PTO built up, maybe a good vacation will help relieve some of that stress in the meantime. I know saying “get a new job” is one of the most useless things to say to someone, but let me put it in this way: if you absolutely dread your job and the way you are living, make that change. You are in control of your life and what you do. A job is not entitled to your time. There are so many options out there to explore, and you are young. You have time to figure that full-time, big boy shit out later.

    Go back to college dude. Find your calling. There are part time jobs out there that can give you enough time to figure it all out. If you’re worried about money/benefits, I know that’s something hard to work around. There may be resources near you that can help you. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, ever!

    I’d rather have a life where I can say I enjoyed all the experiences and memories I have made rather than working myself to the bone for 30 years. And I’m sure the older generations would say the same. Nobody wants to work for the rest of their life, but there’s ways around it. Don’t ever give up and -as cheesy as it sounds- follow your dreams dude. Success will always be in the future. Time is our worst enemy, not only in the sense of death, but also in the sense of living. It constantly feels like a clock is ticking, and while there is – that shouldn’t discourage you for trying to be happy. Time is permanent where as money isn’t. Don’t focus on something that is temporary, focus on something that’s going to be there for you all the time. Memories, experiences, love, and so many more.

    I’m sorry you feel this way. And I understand you. You are valid in how you feel. These are weird times. I wish you the best of luck.

  7. If you work that much, do you earn decent money? Could you free up some of your time by paying someone? For example to clean your house, prepare meals, etc?

    I think you have to start with working less if possible or in any other way find some time to live (like I described above).

  8. Congratulations, you have a normal life. Now if you want an unordinary life you should be an outlier in anything be it intelligence, popularity or persistence. What I do is literally not spend money, I only pay for rent and food and try to minimize those, I don’t work through blood and sweat only to buy some dumb shit later. I invest the rest and try to minimize my working hours, ideally I want to work less than 6 hours x 4 days a week. If you get your passive income surpass expenses, you’ve escaped the system, but even starting can be helpful. And enjoy the struggle, it’s like a game where you can challenge yourself to surpass norm, except your life is on the line. You’ll be bored if you just have money and nothing to do, but if you made it yourself through creativity, that’s the stuff, don’t create bussiness just for money, you’ll burn out and fail as that won’t be enough motivation.

  9. As someone who is really scared of taking risks, while simultaneously feeling stuck or burnt out from not taking those risks, it’s better to take those risks. I once worked full time for minimal pay. Was crying and stressed over bills. Felt like life was not what people made it out to be.

    But one day, I said I’m going back to school. I was I think your age or one year older when I decided to. I made preparations and plans to try to alleviate some stress. Well a week into doing remote schooling, all my plans fell through. I still was able to continue schooling, but was now broke as hell. But guess what? I made it through. I struggled a lot sometimes, sometimes I had relatively peaceful moments for short amounts of time.

    The struggle felt so much more doable compared to being stuck in a dead end time consuming, mentally and physically taxing job. Because at least this struggle was for something I really wanted to accomplish for myself! I became less hard on myself, and sometimes I’m dirt broke but I don’t give up this time. Because now I fully realize things happen all the time to impede progress, but it’s life and so not taking it personally will teach you how to take downfalls in stride and get back up.

    I still don’t take all the risks I want due to anxiety but I’ll never not be proud that I took the risk of starting life over in a new city. No matter how it turns out. My advice to you is to do what you want, seriously. One reason people become bitter is for having so many regrets. I know it’s really hard when stuck in routines it seem impossible to get out of, but I read an article once that new habits can be made with consistent effort for like 3-5 weeks or something like that.

    I hope you are able to take a step forward in the direction you desire. Even if you have reasons you feel like something might not work and can imagine the worse can happen, the worse can happen. But the best can too. It’s up to you to pull yourself through the up and down cycles of life

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