I’m studying in the US. Because of the language barrier, I’m always afraid of saying anything grammatically wrong or mispronunciation. I’m afraid of being judged secretly.

I always feel like those other international students who are better at spoken English end up having more friends than I do.

I am very outspoken and I tell jokes all the time when I’m speaking my mother tongue. However, whenever I try making a joke in English to Americans, it always ends up being extremely awkward because no one understands it.

I really want to blend in the social group of Americans, as I have been feeling very lonely since no one else is from my country in where I’m based.

Any advice would be appreciated! Thank you guys so much.!!

  1. Honestly don’t feel awkward atall and still try to be you! Some jokes will flip but some might stick and some you might have to explain. Before you know it, you’ll grasp the lingo and be able to get better at socializing without hesitation!

  2. We fuck up our own language’s grammar in conversation all of the time, pronunciation is atrocious. You are fine, this is typed better than half native English speakers.

    What sort of jokes do you tell? Can you give an example of the setting (where it took place), and what you said?

  3. If someone tried to learn your language, and understand your sayings and references they would do it by reading about it and practicing, so don’t stop talking to people. Keep practicing, the way you write is easy to understand. Maybe try duolingo too?

  4. This is how I also feel in my second language. I’ve finally gotten to the point of socializing in groups but I am just not as funny as I am in English and I think I’m weird. My best advice would be to just keep practicing as dumb as that sounds.

  5. Your English is probably better than most native english speakers. I totally understand being self conscious though. And I can almost guarantee you that most people will not be judging you. My advice is to not overthink it. If you hear something interesting, join the conversation. My bet is that a lot of people will be interested in hearing about you and where you’re from, etc.

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