I moved to a new country for college and the dating culture is completely different. Where I am now, showing kindness and being expressive can sometimes be branded as being flirty, especially if you’re a guy.

I’m a storyteller – I love sharing my experiences back in my younger days, my traveling experiences and things about my personality and beliefs, and people tend to enjoy listening.

It’s the compliments that really cause ‘misunderstanding’ of me being flirty. As someone who is openly expressive, I compliment people a lot. If they have a nice outfit on, I tell them. If i think they’re handsome/pretty, i tell them. If they’re smart or have a nice voice, I tell them. This often gives off the wrong idea to them that I’m into them. Not sure if this is a cultural barrier or a social barrier but how do I stay social and still be myself without being ‘misunderstood’?

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