so I (F18) have been with my boyfriend (M19) for over a year, we have a good relationship but we are both looking for ways to spice up our sex life. This is the only partner I have had so I am not the most experienced which results in pretty vanilla sex, we also only have sex once every 2 weeks which we both are okay with as we don’t have high sex drives, my boyfriend would like me to do more exciting things like dirty talk but I have no idea how to start doing that or what to say so any tips would be helpful. Any new things that might surprise a guy would be very helpful as well as I want to surprise him with some new things but I’m just so inexperienced and don’t know where to start but I am very open to any ideas!

  1. Dirty talk is something a lot of people struggle with. I’d advise starting by talking about what you’re doing, how’s it’s feeling, what you want to do, what you just did. Just helps normalizing it, makes it less of a thing, provides a baseline.

  2. It’s a good thing to start have a casual about your sex life with your partner when you guys are just hanging out. Building communication is important especially when building up your experience sexually. Maybe have some solo play time figure out what you like m.

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