What keeps you from feeling so lonely?

  1. Chesapeake Bay Retriever. The best breed, don’t believe me? Get one.

  2. Comforting thoughts of potential self-ending when I can’t take this loneliness anymore.

    I hope it never reaches that low point.

  3. That eventually everything will be ok .

    One way or another .

    But honestly , i do feel lonely sometimes , when i do realise that , fck man im lonely .

  4. I used to be a really social guy in K-12. I became even more social during the first two years of my college life. After that, I started seeing the world differently than before. Realizing that my friends were shallow in a lot of ways. Ending relationships because we just weren’t compatible. For about a year or two after that I felt lonely a lot. Eventually though, I overcame that. I still do feel lonely from time to time, but now I get along fine. Religion does help me a lot. I also have a fiancé now, so that’s a big help too.

    What I would recommend is picking up a hobby. Obviously I have no idea how old you are or what your interests are, but there are lots of cool things to distract your mind with. Things that will help you better than watching a video or playing a video game.

    Some of the stuff I did/do:

    Yu-Gi-Oh! card game

    Building gunpla (Gundam plastic models)





    YouTube videos (creating)

    Going to church

    That’s all I can think of off the top of my head. But woodworking is awesome to do, working out is another good one. Really, just stay preoccupied when you can, find something you love to do and do it. Unfortunately though, sometimes we are just lonely and we have to just be okay with that.

  5. Very philosophical answer; Learning to be with yourself and enjoying your own company and activities. Learning new activities as well this is awesome.

    Surround yourself with the right people, make new friends with the same interests/ values, either on the internet or IRL. Being able to be yourself truly feels like one of the best things, you just need the right people around you to feel not lonely in my experience.

  6. Severe ADHD. I can’t focus on being lonely when I can’t focus on anything at all.

  7. Hope

    That I’ll someday somehow run into my future spouse at a grocery store and ask her ‘Are those really organic and worth all that extra money?’

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