My bf(22m) and I (22f) are long distance and the only time we can engage in sexual activity for now is through messaging apps. We’ve been sexting and sending videos back and forth and dirty talking ….
We haven’t gotten to the stage of sharing kinks and I want to know if he has any so we can spice things up to an even higher level when I see him next month
However we’re both pretty new to sex and are extreme introverts. What can I say , that sounds really hot and sexy, to let him know I’m open ti exploring more adventurous stuff. Should I say something like “I want you to do whatever you want to me?” Or “I love it when you’re rough with me?” Or should I ask a question like “what do you want to do to me, I’m open for anything.” ??? I’m so awkward with this

  1. I wouldn’t leave it so open ended and up to him only because he’s introverted too. He probably won’t know what to say or do. Wait till he’s a little more dominant for that ☺️ Maybe try to get an idea through messaging first. Why not base it off one of your kinks? Like if you like to be spanked you could tease something in a message like “would you like it if I bent over so you could spank me?” And see how he reacts!

  2. Fellow introvert here! The Spicer app worked great for my partner and I. Basically, you are each presented with sexual activities and ideas. You both hit a button to say if you’d do it or not. If you both choose ‘yes’ to something, it’s a match and you see that you matched on it. You then get a chat room around the kink you matched on where you can discuss it.

    This works really well for us as it allows us to discuss kinky things through text. And if we don’t match on something, there’s no embarrassing conversation about bringing something up that your partner isn’t into.

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